Wednesday, March 23, 2011

10 Months

 Playing with my gum.

He likes egg yolks, but they don't agree with him yet, we will wait until he is closer to 12 months and try again.

He fell down before I got the picture!

  • He cut his other two top teeth (with no problems at all!) and has 6 teeth total.
  • He drinks out of his sippy cup (if we are holding it). I started giving him water kefir and he loves it enough to drink from his cup.
  • He pulled up for the first time this month. He did it chasing the cats.
  • He is babbling da-da, ma-ma and made some other sounds, ba-ba and pa-pa.
  • He is starting to mimic us, but is not waving bye-bye yet - but he will clap his feet together and get excited when we tell people bye-bye.
  • We think he knows da-da and ma-ma go with us, but we aren't sure yet. When he is in distress he will usually start babbling ma-ma.
  • He is still taking naps, but one of them is shorter than the other one and he switches it up as well. Sometimes he naps 2 hours in the morning, sometimes 2 in the afternoon.
  • With the time change this month, he is now waking up around 7:30 in the morning. 
  • We moved his crib down two notches. He still isn't pulling up to a sit, but we figured it was only a matter of time before he started pulling up. We did it the week he started pulling up.
  • He doesn't really play with his toys, he instead makes his rounds in the living room. 

1 comment:

Barbara Rynn said...

what a cutie. can't wait to see him again